Paintings and Prints available


Merry Christmas Everyone
by Gregg Caudell


season series

These paintings are lartger than I have done for a while 24"x36" and 2" deep so that they can be hung without frames. I intend to do two more 'Summer' and 'Spring'.
As in the "Fall Series" I've taken my Plein Air attempts and used them as notes that I expand upon using the technique I've developed resembling a semi abstract perhaps 'tonalist' rendering of a landscape subject. I've discovered that my affinity for color and pushing paint around has developed into a distinct technique that uses something of the effect of Seurat's 'pointilist' practice of placing pure color in proximity to each other to create a third color. The technique achieves a vibrancy but working spontaneously and expressively, mixing color on the canvas, I have developed a personal application of paint through brushstrokes that imparts a vigorous and I think, 'unique' effect that allows the canvas to become less the rendering of an image or a picture of something as an artifact in it's own right.

As each picture developes I discover new things that I wish to pursue in the next painting. Working in series helps develop both a theme and continuity of process.
In an effort to apply to shows and contests I made a CD of my work and was disconcerted to find that although there are many pieces that I liked and had good things going on, I realized that what the public or 'industry' would be looking for or more comfortable with, had to have continuity.

I think I am achieving a way of working that I am comfortable with and one that I will want to work with for some time to come as it has much potential and is natural for me yet challenging in that it has intellectual prospects that can disclose both subjective and objective issues.