Paintings and Prints available


"Snow Bunting, West Fork" 12"x24" oil on canvas

After a few days away from oils, I took my easel out to the barn and painted this view to the south, down the Sanpoil Valley from West Fork. While I was painting I was delighted to be visited by a Snow Bunting, a small finch like bird that I have never seen. I sketched it into the lower left corner as I didn't have my sketch pad with me. When I got my bird book out I was happy to see I could positively identify it and had done a good job of observation. It was a juvenile and a little more tawny than the adults but pure white with dark markings on its wings and tail. Memorizing visual images is the far easier than memorizing words, names or numbers for me.
It is 'break-up' in the valley and getting out of the driveway is a challenge. The days are getting warmer and longer. The river is rising. The eagles are nesting and sap is starting to rise in the red osher dog wood turning them alizarin crimson. I'm looking forward to capturing and being captivated by the colors of spring as they come on. The cliffs will be roaring with waterfalls and song birds will be returning. Life is good.