Paintings and Prints available


Barrister Winery and Fine Art Room Dividers

Painting away........getting ready for a show in Spokane, WA at Barrister Wynery. 1213 W Railroad Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Lots of wall space so I will have all my big paintings from this past year and lots of un-framed little paintings at a very affordable price point ($45+). I'd rather offer originals at a print price than prints. I don't have much good to say about computer printouts or giclee's. Computers have ruined the value of prints.

I also will be displaying this unique new idea. Working with a local finish carpenter I've come up with this 'fine art room divider'. This is a model "6"x18" which will be 5'x5' room divider available in custom hardwoods and paintings.