Paintings and Prints available


studio work

This is a studio painting, 16x20. Compared to Plein Air, alla prima work it's difficult to know when to quit. I'm not happy with what I've got here although it was fun. Too much detail. The colors seem right but the sky is a little blue. I love to paint skies. I could do nothing but paint sky and have done so. Constable called it 'Skying'. During Constable's time, 1820's, the science of meterology was just developing. That's a pretty amazing thought. I guess science is always just discovering new things but back then they were just discovering clouds disignated weather and there were layers of the atmosphere. Probably something sailors and farmers have always known. There's a great online show at the National Gallery in Wa DC on constables big landscapes and studies.
Otter Bay on Mt. Desert Island is part of Acadia Park There are many private holdings within the park, such as this location where the Otter Bay Association keeps this Lobster Shack.
It was a great place to paint in the stormy, cold weather of October. I was on the lee ward side and out of the wind. When it got too bad I could find shelter in the shack. I've got lots of photos of all the gear laying around for more pictures. I hope to get back to drive horses for Wildwood Stables and Ed Winterberg who has a carriage concession in the Park. He's took up the challenge of refurbishing the 55 miles of carriage roads that David Rockefeller built in an effort to protect the scenic beauty of the Island. If you get a chance you should visit. Lots of artists with their easels set up. Another good stop is Argossy Gallery. Pretty high quality of paintings.

"West Fork Cottonwoods" 11"x14" sold

It's great to be able to step off the back porch and have such luscious scenery to paint. This is in the back pasture of our West Fork ranch. No internet as yet so there's no distractions in the studio.
It's difficult to blog everyday. Once a week is hard enough. I found a great blog and website that I'll put a link on my page to,, check it out. It's a great place to blog with other painters and see their work. Whoever organized it is providing a great service. Kudo's to them.