Paintings and Prints available


Eagle study, 16x20, watercolor

I spent the day studying the eagle family on the Sanpoil.

After about 4 hours one of the adults arrived with Junior, who must be last years eaglet. He perched in the nearby cottonwood and squawked hungrily while mom and dad told him to go get his own food, evidently he hadn't been successful when out with dad. He's a typical teenager, ruffled feathers and all.

When dad or mom, whoever it was, got finished feeding the youngun he flew over and knocked junior off the limb he was on as if to say, "Go earn a living!" I didn't see him the rest of the day.

It is a fantastic and wild place on the Sanpoil although the hiway isn't 100 yards away from the nest. I thought I might be imposing myself but a helicopter flew right over the nest and they didn't miss a lick.


"Dancing Willow of Spring" 11x14" oil on wood

Willows dance outside my window

to the music of spring

on the violin strings of sweeping branches

brushing color on a fresh canvas

leaning on the easel of winter.


Buckley Riverview, Kettle WA, oil sketch, 14x20"

Morning mist on the Colville River rises into the Cerulean sky. While painting plein air, there were a flock of 50 wild turkeys around me. The Toms resplendently courting the hens. I should turn to wildlife painting as much wildlife as I run across. While sketching today Betts and I found an eagle nest with a fuzzy yellow eaglet basking in the sun. It is hard to see in this little jpeg but maybe if you copied it and enlarged it you can see the eaglet. The eagle nest is in the top of the dead cottonwood.