Paintings and Prints available


Sanpoil Studio Works at the Oly Furniture Works!

This painter is happy to invite you to visit the Olympia Furniture Works to view my original plein air oil paintings.  The Furniture Works is a delightful assortment of new and used furniture that is very easy on the pocket book and now has some awesome Caudell originals.
Make a day of it visiting Olympia.  Spend a day in the Capitol and watch the sausage making process of law making.  Stop by the Saigon Rendezvous and try some awesome Thai Cuisine (my favorite is #9 the Fried Egg Roll Salad).
Olympia Furniture Works, 402 Washington St. NE, Olympia, WA


Mac Art Benefit and Quick Draw, Feb, 19, Spokane, WA

Mark your calendar for Feb, 19 for the  MAC Art Benefit and Quick Draw held at the Northern Quest Casino, Spokane, WA.
A showcase of 50 regional artists in the Inland Northwest will have their work auctioned to help benefit keeping the doors open of the NW Museum of Culture.
I will be participating with a few other brave artists in the evening Quick Draw which starts at 4pm. 

Washington State budget crunch may close the doors of the only cultural center in the Inland Empire.  A sad situation that leaves an enormous cultural gap that will deprive students, artists and museum goers of the little cultural opportunities available in the greater Spokane area.

The MAC has been a beacon of light and opportunity for artists such as myself, in a desert wasteland of cultural opportunity in the Inland Northwest forever.  It is perhaps the only venue outside of universities and a very few galleries, that an artist can show their work and see the work of others.  It will be a sad day when the doors are locked due to budget shortfalls but the state has no choice when it comes to ending Basic Health programs and state support for schools and hospitals.

I hope you will take the opportunity to support our efforts to keep the doors of the Museum open and at the same time avail yourself of the marvelous original artwork regional artists have provided.

The Northern Quest Casino is an exceptional venue.  I highly recommend the accomadations and dining opportunities that the Kallispell Tribe maintains in Airway Hieghts, Spokane, WA.