Paintings and Prints available


Shows and Competition

I've always admired this painting of "Lucky" and entered it in the Equine Acadamy of Art show but it failed to jury in but I did get it into a show and competition held by the Westcoast Paper Company. Although I will miss this painting should it sell I will be delighted for whoever ends up with it. If I held onto all the paintings I like I wouldn't be making much of a living.
Lucky is one of the best work horses I've ever had. I raised him from a foal. He's called Lucky because he's lucky to be alive when he was born.
The boys wanted to see a foal born so we slept in the barn. I got up thinking it must be time and found my mare Sister looking like she was ready. I got the boys up and we waited, and waited until finally I called the vet. She instructed me to stick my hand in there and see what was going on and when I did there was nobody home. There I am with one arm up to my shoulder and talking on the portable phone to my vet when Stephen Jeffries, a visitor from England, happened to look over the bank and said, "What's that?". I looked over the bank and there was Lucky, all curled up and cold. What a dunder head, the other horses kept siding up to the barn fence and whinnying. I thought they were trying to encourage Sister when all the time they were trying to get my attention to come down and rescue this poor little critter. I hurried on down and picked up the little guy and packed him up the hill. Talk about imprinting. We've been buds ever since. I never had to "break" him. I just showed him once and he got the idea. He's about as honest and bombproof as I have ever seen in a horse. He paces himself in the field and can outwork any other horse on the place without breaking a sweat.
I think this portrait of Lucky, captures his personality and my love for the guy. I especially like the different textures I achieved. The dexterity of brushwork and harmony of value and color is exceptional too if I don't say so myself. Oh, there are deflugalties (new word) but I'm not going to say anything if you won't.
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