Paintings and Prints available


'scuse me Depak Chopra

Life is Practice

Stuck in mortality on Earth,

spinning their tires, craving entertainment,

gotta put a battery in everything while regretting what we have done to the planet,

knowing better, but can't help it,

our brief stay has managed to kill our own prospects,

we sing as we sink,

we worship science ( only invented soon enough ago)

put faith in numbers,

we have enshrined the moment,

never to escape,
even death is held at bey,

insulating each victim, conscripting birth to oblivion - the self is never born, only the flesh,

the self is never born.

Life is practice, get it right.


 I'm gonna be here, painting my arm off for 7 days.  As you can see by the flier the sale and reception will be 6-8 pm September 7th.  It's a great time with good food, drinks and fine art.  Hood River is an exceptional place to paint.  15 minutes in any direction can put you at the foot of snow capped Mt. Hood to the south, the luscious rain forest of the gorge in the west, Mt. Adams to the north or the arid basalt cliffs of inland desert of eastern Washington and Oregon.  All located on the might Columbia River.
       I have my favortie spots to paint but every year I find a new inspiration.  Plein Air painting allows a painter to paint from nature in the "open air".  I believe it's an opportunity to show others what another sees.  Things that one takes for granted get elevated to a special dimension by an artist. 
        The folks at Columbia Art Center do a fantastic job putting on this gig which is regarded as one of the premier juried plein air events of the region if not the nation.  It's always an honor to hang alongside some of the best painters around. 
         I look forward to seeing old friends and patrons and painting in Hood River, Oregon.  Hope to see you there.


On My 40th Highschool Re-union

Like bricks of memories

that build the house we become,

shaped by the mud of Love

baked in the oven of Hope,

others carry the memory of you like mortar

defining who you are, that you cannot know.

The closer we get to the grave,

the greyer those memories become

yet those memories that remain consume all the others.

It seems a long dance that is over to soon

and leaves us in Wonder at ourselves and each other.

like a portal that once one steps through,

the world is seen in a new light,

where children wear grey masks,

of happiness or tragedy
all are detouring from birth to death

becoming signposts to each other,

signposts of Truth.


With over 40 pieces in the Confluence Gallery our opening was a delightful success.  Six of my paintings found new homes.  Sculptor Simon Kogan and I shared our art with the Methow art community.  I thank the folks at the Confluence Gallery in Twisp for doing such a good job prensenting our work and their professional management of the opening reception. 
If you have a chance to visit the wonderful mountain community of Twisp and Winthrop, Washington, stop in and see the great work we have at the Confluence.  The show will be up untill July, 28.


Museum of Culture Annual Art Auction, Spokane, WA.,

I put two of my favorite paintings in the MAC Art Auction this year.  I'll miss them so I hope they find a good home and bring a good price as the Museum has suffered severe budget cuts due to the condition of the state budget. 
You can see more of what is in the show in the slick online catalogue;  my stuff is on page 21 and 39.
The Auction is April 18 at the Davenport Hotel, Spokane, WA.


Eats the Sun 1.0, 30x40, oil

Another in the series, Eats the Sun. Show at the Confluence Gallery, Twisp, WA June, 2012


"The Sac Sewer's Needle"

"The Sac Sewer's Needle", 18x24, charcoal, study for gallery show.
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Saulita, Mexico

Betts and I traveled south for some sun.  We swam, surfed, fished, ate great food and made new friends.  Altogether a great time.
Album Pics, Betts and Gregg, Sayulita, Mexico
We fished with Skipper Enrique Moeller.  Betts caught a 50# Rooster Fish which is like a poor man's sail fish.  It was everything she could do to get it to the boat.  Rooster Fish aren't to tasty so we released the ones we caught and took home Sierra Mackarell which made some excellent civece.  We had them cooked up by Mary's, a small family run eatery near the Plaza in Sayulito.
For fishing or accomadations contact;
La Morena
Enrique Moeller
mx 1-322-229-0039
It was the 12 day celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe.  Every night for 12 days until December 12, a procession winds through the town with folks carrying candles and singing hymns as they march to the church in the center of town.  Every day (and into the early morning) fireworks boom over the town despelling the evil spirits and calling the faithful to the church.  On the 12th a tower of fireworks is set off in the town plaza.  The entire town shows up.  Food vendors are everywhere.  Caballeros wearing their finest sombrero's and chaps put on an impressive display riding amazingly well trained "dancing" horses.  Needless to say a lot of Tequilla helps the performance.

One of the participants after the night's celebration.
Even paradise has it's detractions.
But altogether it was a good trip with some of the best Tequilla in the world.


Fight Cholesterol, Go Fishing and Live Longer!

So I went to de Dr. just the other day and the Dr. say keep de cholesterol away and "CHANGE YOUR DIET!  Which I took to mean,  "GO FISHIN!"
Gotta thank my Steelhead mentor the master sportsman Ken Bevis.  Thanks for helping with my new health plan.  I promised to not divulge our fishing hole so don't bother asking!