Paintings and Prints available
3rd in a Series; Betty's Brook, 24x24, oil
Five years later... sheesh, I guess a record of my time has lapsed or filled by other platforms. I have been ruminating on the issue of recording one's life. It used to be we saved photos in an album for future reference by descendents and such that has been replaced by a virtual album and yet here is my online self from 5 years ago. Had a left the planet would it still go on? Even if it had would anyone care to look at it. Relatives, friends and descendants could, atleast until the platform was obsolete. One of my tasks for this winter is to digitize an analogue album of ancesters an aunt left me so the grandkids have an idea of their roots. I'm digitizing photos and lineages while at the same time I will make prints of old photos of ancestors to document in material / analogue form something concrete for posterity. What a conundrum the virtual realm presents.
What does that say for the business of making paintings? Talk about analogue! Practically retrogressive.
Do we really own our own thoughts anymore?
After the show last spring at the Moses Lake Museum I am a little un-inspired. Maybe it was that and the distraction of farming and then the fires of summer in which we had to evacuate the ranch for weeks. The smoke still lingers and probably will until snowfall if it ever does. If we don't start getting snow fires will be the "new normal" if they aren't already.
We're headed to Mexico for a month or so. I'm looking forward to the bright colors, sea and foreign sites. Think I'll take watercolors as they are easier to pack and I enjoy the spontaneity they offer.
Next Show; American Art Company, Tacoma, WA
Juried shows are a form of validation. One works in a vacuum doing your own thing, not knowing or caring for that matter if a piece will sell but a living must be made so out there goes your heart and soul to hang on a wall for others to throw darts at although people are kind and one never hears the negative, kind of like Facebook, nobody says what's really on their minds when you post a painting on FB everyone's like "lah, lah, lah, beautifull colors". I guess that's the real value of juried shows, at least you get a thumbs up OR down about your work. It's a hard row to hoe but as much as I seem to complain I like the validation.
This show had a theme, "Nature's Gift of Water", and was promoted by the Plein Air Painters of Washington, PAWA, They wanted a plein air piece and another that was a studio piece made from the plein air study. Mr. Lipking chose some fine paintings so there must have been an impressive selection of work from which to choose. I look forward to meeting him and the other painters in the show. The American Art Company has been around since the 1800's.
Here's the invite and my two pieces that will be in the show, they are both called "Sea of the Palouse" because the Palouse looks like waves on the ocean and the landscape was shaped by the ancient floods of Lake Missoula. I'll be at he show for both the opening and the closing events Friday December 5th 4-7 and Jan 31st 3-5, 1126 Broadway Plaza, Tacoma, Wa